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Agricultural Sensors

4-in-1 Soil Temperature Moisture EC Salt Sensor For Agriculture/Garden/Farm/Greenhouse

The soil temperature, moisture, salinity and conductivity integrated sensor has stable performance and high sensitivity, and is an important tool for observing and studying the occurrence, evolution, improvement and water-salt dynamics of saline soil. It can measure soil temperature, soil moisture, soil salinity and soil conductivity at the same time; by measuring the dielectric constant of soil, it can directly and stably reflect the real moisture content of various soils. T···


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Product Details

4-in-1 Soil Temperature Moisture EC Salt Sensor.jpg

The soil temperature, moisture, salinity and conductivity integrated sensor has stable performance and high sensitivity, and is an important tool for observing and studying the occurrence, evolution, improvement and water-salt dynamics of saline soil. It can measure soil temperature, soil moisture, soil salinity and soil conductivity at the same time; by measuring the dielectric constant of soil, it can directly and stably reflect the real moisture content of various soils. The soil moisture sensor can measure the volume percentage of soil moisture and is a soil moisture measurement method in line with current international standards.

soil temperature, moisture, salinity and conductivity integrated sensor It is suitable for soil moisture monitoring, scientific experiments, agricultural irrigation, greenhouses, flowers and vegetables, grassland pastures, soil rapid testing, plant cultivation and other occasions.

soil temperature, moisture, salinity and conductivity integrated sensor Has the following characteristics:

(1) parameters of soil temperature,soil salinity, soil moisture and electrical conductivity are combined into one.

(2) It can also be used for the conductivity of water and fertilizer integrated solution, as well as other nutrient solutions and substrates.

(3) The electrode is made of alloy material with special treatment, which can withstand strong external impact and is not easy to be damaged.

(4) Completely sealed, resistant to acid and alkali corrosion, and can be buried in soil or directly into water for long-term dynamic testing.

(5) High precision, fast response, good interchangeability, probe insertion design ensures accurate measurement and reliable performance.

(6) Perfect protection circuit.

The Role and Value of the 4-in-1 Soil Sensor.

1. Accurate Soil Data: The 4-in-1 soil sensor provides accurate measurements of essential soil parameters such as temperature, moisture, conductivity, and salinity. This data is crucial for farmers, agricultural researchers, and land managers to make evidence-based decisions about irrigation, nutrient management, and crop selection.

2. Precision Agriculture: By collecting real-time data on soil temperature, soil moisture, soil salinity and soil conductivity, the 4-in-1 soil sensor aids in precision agriculture's implementation. Precision agriculture allows farmers to adjust inputs such as water, fertilizer, and pesticides more precisely to reduce waste and maximize yields.

3. Environmental Monitoring: The sensor's ability to measure soil moisture and soil salinity and soil conductivity enables researchers to monitor soil health and environmental quality. Soil quality monitoring is critical for determining soil contamination and assessing ecosystems' health.

Overall, the 4-in-1 soil sensor ability to provide accurate and timely soil information has substantial value in precision agriculture, environmental monitoring, and resource management.

4-in-1 soil sensor data sheet 


Sensors & Weather Stations Catalog

Agriculture Sensors and Weather Stations Catalog-NiuBoL.pdf

Weather Stations Catalog-NiuBoL.pdf

Agriculture Sensors Catalog-NiuBoL.pdf

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